Our range offers a perfect solution for decorative and architectural purposes.
What do installers say about the decor range films?
“DPF 8000™ Ultra Tack is an unbeatable product, as a matter of fact it was the only product that didn’t have any lifting on our test wall.”
"Fantastic product, easy to use and it creates an amazing finish."
Etched glass printable vinyl DPF 5450X offers excellent opportunities in decoration and design on a variety of glass surfaces and more, both indoors and outdoors.
A dry application technique facilitates swift positioning and results in a cleaner outcome for directly completed installs, no follow up needed.
"The rendering is clean and highly detailed!
...easy to apply and the satin finish is great!"
Walls and floors are great surfaces to create new atmospheres. So why not protect it from elements to enjoy it for longer?
With one of the most high-gloss levels in the industry, Arlon's Series 3420 overlaminate will add outstanding clarity while providing excellent protection to your graphics.
It’s time to show off! Bring your ideas to life by participating in Arlon’s exclusive decor contest.
Post and share on your Instagram or Facebook account using #arlondecor and tag @ArlonGraphicsEMEA
No. 1: €1500 Holiday Gift Card
No. 2: €1000 Holiday Gift Card
No. 3: €500 Holiday Gift Card
Submit and share your project with Arlon decor range products applied on walls, windows or floors before 30 November 2022 and seize the unique opportunity to win the Arlon Decor Awards 2022.
Get as many likes as possible and our experienced jury, the Technical Team, will evaluate your project. The faster and more you share on social media, the better your chances of winning. The projects with the most outstanding design will win exciting prizes!
Unleash your creativity and win the Decor Awards 2022!
No. 1: €1500 Holiday Gift Card
No. 2: €1000 Holiday Gift Card
No. 3: €500 Holiday Gift Card
Studio ALEŠ s.r.o., Czech Republic | DPF 8000™ Ultra Tack
Interior wall restyling for a customer's new sample store, including the floors. As these were rough surfaces, an ultra tack film was required..
"We have been using Arlon DPF 8000 for several years for all projects that require high adhesive strength. Mainly for sticking walls and plastic parts of cars.
Working with the material is a bit more difficult due to the strong glue, but we haven't come across anything that we couldn't stick with it."
ID-marking A/S, Denmark | DPF 8000™ Clear
ID-marking A/S has, in collaboration with Arp-Hansen Hotel Group, Copenhagen and Duncalf Ltd, London, carried out a major foiling project at the new luxury hostel, Next House in Copenhagen.
"We primarily had to decorate large concrete surfaces at basement level. The decoration had to be permanent and since the entire basement floor is zoned for sports and activity area for young people, it also had to be very durable.
We wanted a raw look, where the colors and structure of the concrete were still prominent, so the decorations seemed as they were painted on.
We tested different foils, and the choice was Arlon DPF 8000 Clear transparent and Arlon Laminate 3220M MATT.
To achieve the desired strength and transparency, everything was printed on the Latex printer. The motifs were contoured, so that the gray concrete became the 3rd color in the design.
In total, we have decorated more than 200 m2 wall surface in basement level + wayfinding on the floors.
Although the foil adheres fantastically, the installation on the concrete walls went smoothly, and we were able to hand in the project long before the deadline."
Cube Wraps, UK | DPF 8200 High Tack & Series 3420M
Following the expansion into their new building, Cube Wraps carried out a complete covering to the cladding on the front of the building using DPF 8200 High Tack with Series 3420M overlaminate.
"The product printed exceptionally and the installation which we carried out with the use of a cherrypicker over four days was a dream to install.
Even although the cladding wasn't completely flat the vinyl just hugged into the shallow recesses with the use of a glove with ease!"
Extreme Graphics - Signarama Bourges, France | DPF 8200 High Tack & Series 3420M
Restaurant restyling on plasterboard wall.
The decor is an optical illusion representing a brick wall atmosphere,
and a part with a superposition of rusted corrugated iron.
"Very easy to use product, the tack is really great and easy to install. The rendering with the Arlon matte lamination is just perfect!"